B&B Hotelsi meeskond alustab täna Rwanda velotuuri Total Direct Energie klubilt laenatud ratastega, sest nende sõiduvahenditest jõudsid Aafrikasse vaid kaks. Loodetavasti saabuvad rattad kohale väikese hilinemisega.
Algselt veebruaris toimuma pidanud, kuid koroonapandeemia tõttu edasi nihutatud Rwanda velotuur koosneb kaheksast valdavalt mägisest etapist. Tuur algab pealinnas Kigalis ja ka lõppeb samas kohas. Mitmete Aafrika riikide koondiste kõrval on stardis ka mitmed klubid, kellest nimekamad on B&B Hotels, Total Direct Energie ja Israel Start-Up Nation, kelle ridades võistleb Norman Vahtra.
Rwandasse reisis ka Israel Start-Up Nationi juht Sylvan Adams, kes esitleb seal naiste rattasporti edendavat projekti. "Loodame, et varsti sõidab meie klubis ka esimene Aafrika rattur. Rwandas on palju talente ja ootan huviga, kui mõni neist meie meeskonda jõuab," lausus Adams.
Igatahes on huvi ratturite vastu Rwandas suur ja mitmed profid on sotsiaalmeedias postitanud lahedaid videoid.
???? Il y a la traditionnelle sortie derrière scooter et puis il y a…#TdRwanda2021 l #MenInGlaz pic.twitter.com/AkI6wmHaG9
— B&B HOTELS p/b KTM (@BBHOTELSpbKTM) April 30, 2021
Séduit par le Rwanda, sa population, sa ferveur. Malheureusement, seuls deux vélos de @BBHOTELSpbKTM sont arrivés, les autres voyagent encore.
— Rolland Pierre (@PierroooRolland) April 30, 2021
???? Merci à @TDE_ProCycling pour la solidarité et le prêt de matériel afin que l’on s’entraîne en attendant.#TdRwanda2021 l #MenInGlaz pic.twitter.com/nOZMqCgpQa
Unfortunately it is raining a bit at the end of our visit in Kibungo...
— Israel Start-Up Nation / Israel Cycling Academy (@TeamIsraelSUN) May 1, 2021
...but that doesn’t stop the members of the cycling club to exercise in their new Jinga-kit.
Sound on!
We had a super day in the town and we continue to support the club on the long term.#RacingForChange pic.twitter.com/KnAFQfOgk4
We continue with a track stand competition!
— Israel Start-Up Nation / Israel Cycling Academy (@TeamIsraelSUN) May 1, 2021
Competitive Edo Goldstein quite badly wants to win the track stand competition against the cyclists from Kibungo!
Will he take the victory?
To be continued! ????#YallaISN #RacingForChange pic.twitter.com/vVCThFSS0d
Hebrew lessons in Kibungo
— Israel Start-Up Nation / Israel Cycling Academy (@TeamIsraelSUN) May 1, 2021
Sylvan Adams is teaching the local Rwandan school kids some Hebrew words.
‘Shalom. It has many meanings, like hello, peace and goodbye.’#RacingForChange #YallaISN pic.twitter.com/uA9qgflLRY
10 AM in Rwanda...
— Israel Start-Up Nation / Israel Cycling Academy (@TeamIsraelSUN) May 1, 2021
after an hour of training, James Piccoli is challenged by a local.
Omer Lahav is fan of the underdog, and supports him all the way!
One more day till the Tour du Rwanda!#YallaISN #TdRwanda2021 #RacingForChange @hammerheadrides. pic.twitter.com/521SIBdZJQ